Letter to the Congregation regarding COVID-19 precautions

Dear Our Savior Family,

As you know we are facing unprecedented times in our nation and in our world. As a result, many are feeling fearful and uncertain. Your pastor and your leaders want you to know that we are taking steps to ensure the safety of God’s people in this place. Realizing that the situation remains very fluid with new changes coming our way almost daily, here are the changes we are implementing at this time:

Starting this weekend, Saturday, March 21st and Sunday, March 22nd:

  • Church Services – we will have both church services as planned
    • We will be closing off every other pew to encourage the appropriate amount of safe spacing between worshipers
    • We will also be Live Streaming our service through Facebook – you can watch and listen from any device that you have Facebook on, at facebook.com/OslcJoliet
    • This live stream publication of our service should be available to watch at any time after the worship service as well
  • Sunday School and Adult Education classes – cancelled through the end of March
  • Greeters – verbal greetings or a wave only please, no handshakes or hugs
  • Communion will be continued – we will be offering communion as previously scheduled, but we will be standing at the communion rails, instead of kneeling, and we will be sending fewer people to the rail each time, to enable more spacing between each member
  • Collection plate – we will not be passing the offering plate – you will be directed to drop your envelopes, attendance cards and prayer cards into the collection plates on your way out of service.  We will have the ushers stand at each door with collection plates to collect your offering envelopes, attendance cards and prayer cards as you exit.
  • Disinfecting – Our custodian and volunteers are thoroughly disinfecting the entire sanctuary following each worship service
  • Electronic giving – is available on our website www.oursaviorjoliet.org


Looking Ahead

  • Lenten dinners – the last Lenten dinner will be tonight, March 18th – the rest of the Lenten dinners are cancelled for the remainder of the season
  • Lenten church services – these will continue Wednesdays at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm
    • These services will also be live streamed on Facebook – visit  facebook.com/OslcJoliet to watch and listen in on these services

As God’s people we know that no matter how difficult things get, the Lord is with us, He is on our side! At times like these, the church has an incredible opportunity to shine. We can join Jesus as His ambassadors of peace and hope! We have Good News to share!

“Don’t worry about anything; pray about everything, with thanksgiving. And the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
Php 4:6-7

Your servant in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Loy Schlote <><