Lenten Devotional: Give Up Fear and Take On God’s Peace

Throughout this season of Lent, at our midweek services, we have been taking a look at some things to give up and some things to put on.

This week, while we are not having a Lenten service because services have been cancelled, I decided to share some thoughts for the week.

What to give up: Fear

Our old nature likes to be in control. With the awareness of things that are out of our control comes natural responses like fear, anxiety, and worry. Fear is actually a good thing that can save our life when we find ourselves in a dangerous situation. However, when fear “sticks” with us, it can begin to dominate our hearts and minds. It robs us of the peace that God offers us.

There is much in our current situation that could lead us to fear. Because we are isolated in our own homes, there is a tendency to fill our time watching TV or browsing on the internet. If all we are putting into our hearts and minds is negative news, it can cause us to feed into panic and fear. We can begin to feel helpless and that our situation is hopeless.

So we begin to try to take control of things. If we can stock up enough toilet paper, sanitizer, food and water, we will be ok, right? While doing these things helps us to feel like we have some control, it doesn’t solve the real issue.

Or we look to the government to control things for us. If we close enough events, if we isolate enough people, then we and our families will be safe, right? While taking these actions will help to limit the spread of the virus, it still doesn’t solve the real problem.

What to take on: God’s Peace

In the midst of all of this, you and I as God’s people can experience peace and hope. While we are not in control of our lives and our world, we have a relationship with the One who is. Our God loves us and is on our side! He has our back. No matter how bad it gets in this life, there is another life that awaits us. Nothing can separate us from God’s love and His promises. Knowing this brings peace in the midst of the storm.

Here are a few of the promises of peace that can sustain us and that we can share with others:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6-7

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid…I have said these things to you that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 14:27; 16:33