Holy Week at Home – 2020

At first glance, it feels like a problem for us to be isolated from each other and confined to our own homes during Holy Week and Easter. While we will certainly miss all those special worship experiences we look forward to each year, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter, it seems to me that this year presents a very unique opportunity for God’s people. This year, many of us have time alone.

With that in mind, I am preparing materials that can help guide you as you experience Holy Week at Home. Each day I will invite you to spend some personal time reflecting on the meaning of that day in our Lord’s passion and then some interpersonal time connecting with the people God has placed in your life, from which you are currently separated.

Prayer: Lord, be with me, be with us during this very different week as we celebrate Holy Week and Easter at Home. Be at work in us, among us, and through us as we reflect and as we connect. Draw us closer to You and to one another. In Jesus’ name we ask it.  Amen.