Holy Saturday Devotional


Holy Saturday comes between Good Friday (Christ’s death on the cross) and Easter Sunday (His Resurrection). Easter Vigil is a service that helps us make the transition. It was a service in the early church when believers were baptized so that they could celebrate the Sacrament on Easter morning.

In the vigil service we remember our own baptisms and renew our baptismal vows. Read Romans 6:1-11 and remember your own baptism.

There is no sermon in the Easter vigil. Instead we read about the Mighty Acts of God.

Creation… Read Genesis 1:1-2:2

The Flood… Skim though Genesis 6, 7, 8

The Exodus… Exodus 14

The Restoration… Ezekiel 37:1-14


Pause today to reflect on your own personal life of faith. Pray for your growth in faith as you abide in Jesus’ Word and He abides in you. Pray for your life of discipleship as a follower of Jesus. Pray that you would be faithful in the various vocations that Lord has given you. Pray that the fruit of the Spirit would be evident in your life, in your attitudes and reactions. Pray for your life of witness and service as you join Jesus on His mission.