Day Twenty (of 31 Daily Reminders)

Who God Is…

God is Transcendent, yet present with us! 

[The Son of God who is Lord over all, chose to be present among us out of love for you and me!]


Who I am/we are in Christ…

I am marked!  (In baptism I have been marked with the sign of the cross to be His own)

“Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession.”
Eph 1:13b-14

You heard and believed the message of truth, the Good News that He has saved you. In Him you were sealed with the Holy Spirit whom He promised thus making you an heir.

[The promised Spirit is given in baptism and you become a child of God… I, {state your name}, have been marked and now live my life under the sign of the cross – daily dying, daily rising!]


His promises for me/us today…

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more that all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”
Eph 3:20

Glory be to Him whose power, working in us and among us, can accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare ask or imagine. Glory be to God from generation to generation in the church and in Christ Jesus for all time and eternity. May it be so!

[It is not about us! It is all about Him! We are His work of art, the wonderful evidence of His power at work in His creation. Ours is the privilege of joining Him in His mission of redeeming and restoring creation…I, {state your name}, testify to His mercy and grace, evident in my life.]

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Rom 15:13

May God, the Source of confident hope, fill you with all joy and peace as a result of your faith in Him, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit working in you, your whole life and outlook may be radiant with the confidence you have in Him.

[Once we are certain of His love and grace, everything about our outlook on life is transformed. Out attitude and our confidence becomes contagious… I, {state your name}, am part of His mission to confidently bring people hope, healing and new life in Christ.]


His callings/my vocations…

As you reflect on these words from the Lord, what do you sense God calling you to be or to do? How do these words and promises from the Lord speak to you today with the particular joys and struggles that are part of your life and life of faith?

Think of the people who are closest to you in the vocations He has given you?  [husband/wife; family; friends; neighbors; others]. What are some of the “take-aways” from these verses that you could share with them to encourage or support them in the challenges they face as they live in this broken world?

Now take a moment to pray, using the words of some of these Scriptures to shape your prayer, as you pray them back to Him. Pray them specifically for those things that you or those you love are dealing with today!


This is from the devotional tool, “31 Daily Reminders”, that I have designed to help you begin each day aware of Who God Is, of Who We Are In Christ, of His Promises That Sustain and Empower Us, and of the Various Callings/ Vocations He Has Given Us.  If you would like a hard copy of these devotions, just let me know!