Day Ten (of 31 Daily Reminders)

Who God Is…

God is Just! (fair and impartial; always does what is right)

[God who is just sentenced His own Son to bear the punishment for our sins!]


Who I am/we are in Christ…

I am a Victor in Christ! (victor over sin, death and the devil)

“What a wretched man I am. Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God (who gives us the victory) through Jesus Christ, our Lord!”
Rom 7:24-25

It is agonizing situation; who will rescue me from this body dominated by sin that is taking me to death? Thanks be to God alone who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!

[The tension between the old and new natures can be agonizing and leave us feeling miserable. It is war – a spiritual civil war – that rages inside us. Our old, sinful nature is constantly pulling us toward death and destruction. Christ has defeated sin, death and the devil and gives us the victory through faith…I, {state your name}, have been given the victory through my Lord Jesus Christ!]

“The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1 Cor 15:56-57

It is sin that gives death its sting and it is the law that gives sin its power. God be praised, then, who gives us the victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ!

[By His death on the cross and His Resurrection, Christ has one the once-and-for all victory! By faith His victory has become ours. The war is over! … I, {state your name}, have the victory over sin and death because of Jesus!]

“The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.”
1 Jn 3:8

Now Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth for the express purpose of destroying the devil’s work.

[God’s enemy has been overcome! He is caged! As long as we stay out of the cage, he has no power over us…Jesus has set me, {state your name}, free from bondage to the devil.]


His promises for me/us today…

“If God is for us, who can be against us? He who was willing to give up his own Son, how will he not also along with him graciously give us all things?”
Rom 8:31

If God is on our side, who can ever stand against us? He was willing to offer His own Son for us (to pay for our sins) – can we not trust God who gave us Christ to also give us everything else that we need?

[Most certainly! God has demonstrated both His love and His faithfulness again and again. This is a rhetorical question! … I, {state your name}, can go through life – even the most difficult days – confident that His love for me will not change. What an awesome thing to know that God is for me!

“I write these things to you who believe in the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.”
1 Jn 5:13

I write these things to you who (already) believe (in Jesus Christ), the Son of God so that you may be confident that you have eternal life.

[This verse has had tremendous impact in my life. It gives me, {state your name}, the confidence that I will be in heaven. It is comforting to know that I already possess eternal life here and now. I can know this to be true beyond a shadow of doubt.]

“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”
1 Jn 4:4

Dear children, you belong to God. So you have won the victory over your enemies (false prophets), because greater is the One who lives inside you than the ruler of this world.

[We receive this by faith: Christ’s victory over sin, death and the devil is ours! – even when outwardly it appears that the power of evil is winning…. I, {state your name}, am a child of God and because of Jesus I am able to live in His victory. The battle belongs to the Lord!]


His callings/my vocations…

As you reflect on these words from the Lord, what do you sense God calling you to be or to do? How do these words and promises from the Lord speak to you today with the particular joys and struggles that are part of your life and life of faith?

Think of the people who are closest to you in the vocations He has given you?  [husband/wife; family; friends; neighbors; others]. What are some of the “take aways” from these verses that you could share with them to encourage or support them in the challenges they face as they live in this broken world?

Now take a moment to pray, using the words of some of these Scriptures to shape your prayer, as you pray them back to Him. Pray them specifically for those things that you or those you love are dealing with today!

This is from the devotional tool, “31 Daily Reminders”, that I have designed to help you begin each day aware of Who God Is, of Who We Are In Christ, of His Promises That Sustain and Empower Us, and of the Various Callings/ Vocations He Has Given Us.  If you would like a hard copy of these devotions, just let me know!