Day Fourteen (of 31 Daily Reminders)

Who God Is…

God is Gracious!  (He gives us what we don’t deserve)

[God showed His mercy and grace by loving the unlovable and by forgiving the unforgivable! He doesn’t give us what we deserve, rather He gives us life.]


Who I am/we are in Christ…

I am empowered in Christ!

“I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength!”
Php 4:13

I can do anything God asks me to do – there is nothing I cannot master – through the strength of Christ who lives in me and gives me the strength I need.

[Our strength comes from the Lord; He graciously gives us all that we need to face every situation. On our own, we are weak; but in Christ we are strong. Christ gives us His Word and fills us with His Holy Spirit to strengthen our faith and help us grow strong… I, {state your name}, can do all things through Christ; apart from Him I can do nothing.]

“Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is who bears much fruit; for apart from me you can do nothing.”
Jn 15:5

The person who abides, lives, shares life in Me and I in Him, will produce much fruit for the Kingdom. But you can’t produce anything at all without Me.

[Christ is our Source of life… As long as I, {state your name}, remain connected to Him, I have all that I need. As I abide in Him and in His Word, I am strengthened to bear much fruit. Apart from Him all my efforts are worthless and will come to nothing. The purpose of the branches is to bear fruit.]


His promises for me/us today…

“This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Ps 118:24

The Lord has given us another new day; let’s rejoice and be glad in today!

[What a wonderful way to begin a new day with a sense of anticipation and with eyes wide open to the opportunities the Lord will lay before us to join Him in His mission.]

“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
Ps 37:4

Take delight in the Lord (and in His plans) and He will give you more than you could ever desire or imagine!

“Be still and know that I am God!”
Ps 46:10

Shut up! Let go (of your concerns) and then you will know that I am God at work in your life and in your world!


His callings/my vocations…

As you reflect on these words from the Lord, what do you sense God calling you to be or to do? How do these words and promises from the Lord speak to you today with the particular joys and struggles that are part of your life and life of faith?

Think of the people who are closest to you in the vocations He has given you?  [husband/wife; family; friends; neighbors; others]. What are some of the “take aways” from these verses that you could share with them to encourage or support them in the challenges they face as they live in this broken world?

Now take a moment to pray, using the words of some of these Scriptures to shape your prayer, as you pray them back to Him. Pray them specifically for those things that you or those you love are dealing with today!


This is from the devotional tool, “31 Daily Reminders”, that I have designed to help you begin each day aware of Who God Is, of Who We Are In Christ, of His Promises That Sustain and Empower Us, and of the Various Callings/ Vocations He Has Given Us.  If you would like a hard copy of these devotions, just let me know!