Lord, we offer back to You with joy and thanksgiving,
what You have first given us:
- ourselves
- our time
- our possessions
Receive them for the sake of Him who offered Himself for us,
our Lord, Jesus Christ.
May we use them to extend Your kingdom in our world. Amen.

Offering your self?
Are you interested in serving at Our Savior?
Please fill out the form below to let us know what you have prayerfully considered helping with, and the appropriate person will reach back to you soon to discuss the role.
Offering your time?
There is always something going on at Our Savior. Check out the events listed below, or visit our Events page for even more opportunities to choose from!
Offering a donation?
Visit the online donation site for Our Savior Lutheran Church and Our Savior Lutheran Preschool & Kindergarten.