We invite you to worship with our church family as God touches each of our lives to bring people hope, healing, and new life through Jesus Christ.
View our Worship Services Online – Live Streamed & Recorded
Our Savior's worship services are available to everyone via our Facebook page and as of February, 2023, you can watch via our YouTube Channel as well!
Our Savior is Growing Faith, Friendships and Families in Christ.
and also through Christ-centered teaching for all ages.
Masks and Living in Both the Kingdom of God's Grace, and This World
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, What a privilege it is to live within the kingdom of God’s grace! In…
Mark 16 The Resurrection!
Easter Sunday When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that…

Are you a member looking for additional information?
Sign up to gain access to the members-only section of the web site, including PDF versions of the Voice and Serving in God's House calendar.
Christ at the Center
We refer to our Sunday services as Divine Services because we acknowledge that there is more going on than our worship. God, Himself, is at work offering us His gifts through the proclamation of the Law and the Gospel. In all of our services we are engaged in a conversation with God, where He gives us the gift of redemption and we respond with our prayers and praise.

Our Core Values
Our Savior is... ...a Caring Church. We care about the whole person spiritually, emotionally and physically. Through our various care ministries …
What We Believe
Our Savior is... A Word and Sacrament Church. We believe that the entire Bible is the Word of God, given by inspiration through the Holy Spirit. …
Groups & Activities
Our Savior offers many opportunities for Spiritual Growth & Fellowship Youth & Family Ministry: Families with Children in K - 12th …
Our Savior Lutheran Church
Our Savior Lutheran Church Public Events
March 2025
Friday March 28
- 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Sunny Hill
Recurs monthly
Sunday March 30
- 10:15 am – 11:15 am
Christian Education
Recurs weekly
April 2025
Friday April 4
- 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Recurs every 2 months
- 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Recurs every 2 months
Saturday April 5
- 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Divine Worship - Holy Communion
Recurs monthly
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Welcome to Our Savior Lutheran
Our Savior is growing faith, friendships and families in Christ.
Join one of our groups or many helpful ministries and attend one of our joyful worship services as we praise and celebrate Christ’s gift of salvation from our sins.